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Fruit of the Spirit – What Does it Mean?

If you’re a Christian, you have likely heard the phrase “Fruit of the Spirit.” You might wonder what this phrase means and how it relates to you as a Christian. In Galatians, nine different behaviors are listed and identified as the fruits of the spirit. They are as follows: love, joy, peace, generosity, kindness, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

We took a look at three different fruits of the spirit. Learn how you can apply these attributes to your life and make the world a better place at the same time.

  1. Joy

It is often assumed that finding joy focuses simply on what makes you happy. While this does have some truth to it, it doesn’t mean that everything that brings us joy in the short term is right. The act of stealing might bring joy to some, however, that is not the type of joy referred to in the bible. The joy discussed in the Fruit of the Spirit refers to an individual who joyfully and cheerfully follows God and understands the benefits of God’s way of life.

  1. Kindness

Sometimes kindness can be difficult to find in the world. When you go to the store and see people scowling, complaining, etc. the world doesn’t always seem like a kind place. The bible defines kindness as humbly giving of ourselves in love and mercy to others who may not be able to give anything back. This means being kind to the people who might not show kindness back or thank us for our good deeds. We are the people who are called to extend God’s kindness to the world. As you’re out and about, ask yourself, how can you show someone kindness today?

  1. Self-Control

Self-control is something that we all struggle with at times. When our child leaves their toys around the house for the hundredth time, we might lose it. When it’s been a long day at work, we go through the drivethrough to get a delicious frappuccino even though we know it’s not a healthy choice.  In the Fruit of the Spirit, self-control refers to when we put in the effort to resist temptation. In order to follow the other Fruits of the Spirit, we need self-control to keep us in check. 

Take a moment to decide how you can show others the fruit of the spirits such as joy, kindness, and self-control today. No one is perfect and it might be a struggle.

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